Today is an Adventure

And then there is the greatest risk of all – the risk of not spending your life doing what you want on the bet that you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later.
-Randy Komisar

I believe there is nothing that cannot be improved by an adventurous spirit. Each activity, place, and person is a chance for us to engage, learn, and grow. The moment may be as tiny as discovering a new food or as large as falling in love. It is our attitude that transforms the world around us from the mundane to the extraordinary.

Our Latest Adventures



Out of Shape Mom Beast

Let’s call this a pre-adventure. I’m so out of shape I get winded walking around the house quickly. I’ve been eating poorly for long enough that my gut health is out of whack. I’m experiencing headaches more and more frequently. I’m basically a hot mess. Seriously. I was working on fitness modeling goals about a year ago and today I questioned my ability to do lunges and squats in my pajamas…. Continue reading Out of Shape Mom Beast